Wednesday, 15 May 2013

LAN Light Space Modulator

Cube maquette
A maquette was constructed for the LAN Light Space Modulator at Lincoln Hackspace. 

Friday, 10 May 2013

The Lincoln Simulacrum

Guy A and Helen A 

On Thursday 2nd May, I went to Magne Furuholmen's "Norwegian Wood" exhibition, for the interest of my own art practice, but also with the intention of asking Apparatjik if they had time in their schedule to come to Lincoln.
I had the pleasure of chatting to Magne A himself, and Guy A, lamenting that I wasn't going to Copenhagen for Apparatjik's gig. The conversation gave many ideas for the Apparatjik project. Guy said he wasn't going either. Due to commitments with Coldplay, Guy doesn't usually perform with Apparatjik. It's usually a friend of Jonas' from Blue Foundation that looks a lot like Guy. A fake Guy! Then Magne told us that he was going, but then added that no one would really notice if it was just some bloke in a mask. 
At this stage, we don't need Apparatjik to come to Lincoln to perform in the LAN Light Space Modulator, we just need an Apparatjik simulacra.

This will be referred to as "The Lincoln Simulacrum". 

No one in Lincoln knows what Apparatjik is, so they won't notice if it's just four blokes in a mask.